About The Pivot Series

About the Author
Lori Michele Leavitt writes books about Pivoting toward more brilliant execution of strategy and a better future. Her first book, The Pivot, stressed that great leaders don’t expect all in their organization to turn-on-a-dime with control or commands. Great leaders orchestrate change, always, which starts with empowering others and creating a safe place in which to step up and speak out. They understand that clarity is key, are always noticing the influence of social and structural context on how people are working together, and they have mastered a balance of focus and nimbleness. She has created a means to measure when an organization is in this state, which is a state of Aligned Momentum.
Through keynote presentations, 10x!™ business & leadership private peer advisory groups, and the Aligned Momentum® program, powered by software, she helps strengthen alignment and catalyze momentum for leaders and their teams.

About the Publisher
Abrige Media is owned and operated by Abrige Corp. Established in 2017 to support books authored by Lori Michele Leavitt, as well as selected colleagues whose books will serve business leaders with a purpose of business vibrancy. In our terms, business vibrancy means a healthy, value-building business as well as a great place to work, for leaders and their teams. Abrige Media offers discounts on volume orders of books and related materials. Reach Abrige Media via email: publisher@abrige.com